Constitution & By-Laws
Article 1: Name of Organization | |
1.01 | The name of the organization shall be the Ohio Two-Year Colleges Technology Council, hereafter referred to as OTCTC. |
Article 2: Purpose and Objectives | |
2.01 | The purpose of OTCTC is to be an organization which represents the technology interests, concerns, and goals of the public Community and Technical Colleges in the State of Ohio . No purpose or objective shall be in conflict with any applicable state or federal laws or in conflict with any public Community or Technical College policies or rules. |
2.02 |
The specific objectives of OTCTC shall be to pursue the following: |
Article 3: Membership and Dues | |
3.01 | Membership in OTCTC shall be open to all Ohio public Community and Technical Colleges . Official representation will be by the Chief Information Officers, their equivalents, or their designees. |
3.02 | Member institutions shall be assessed an annual dues payment. The annual dues shall be established by the OTCTC Executive Committee (as defined in Article 4) and payable to the OTCTC Treasurer by no later than July 31. The dues will be used to fulfill the Objectives of OTCTC (as defined in Article 2). |
3.03 | All members shall have equal rights and privileges with respect to the election of any officer and any vote or poll concerning an issue of concern to the organization. |
Article 4: Officers and Duties | |
4.01 | The officers of OTCTC shall consist of a President, a Vice President/President-elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. These officers in addition to the immediate past President of OTCTC shall constitute the Executive Committee of OTCTC. |
4.02 | Nominations of officers shall be completed by the April meeting and advertised to all members via email. Nominations must be submitted to the OTCTC Secretary and may come from any member representative. The officers of OTCTC shall be elected by a majority vote of the members which will occur electronically between the April and May meeting each year. |
4.03 | The Executive Committee of OTCTC shall determine the next year’s annual meeting dates by no later than the last meeting date of the academic year (June). |
4.04 | The President shall be the presiding officer at all OTCTC meetings, and in his/her absence, the Vice President/President-elect or another duly elected officer of OTCTC shall be the presiding officer. |
4.05 | The President shall be responsible for constituting an officer nomination committee each year to elect the officers for the following year. The President shall be empowered to appoint chairpersons and members to committees consistent with the purpose and objectives of the organization. |
4.06 | The Vice President/President-elect shall accede to the office of President in the event that the President is incapacitated, unable to perform his/her duties, or is no longer associated with an Ohio public Community or Technical College . The new President shall fulfill the unexpired term of the vacating President and continue to serve as President for a full term during the next year. |
4.07 |
The Secretary shall be responsible for recording accurate minutes of any OTCTC meeting of the membership or the Executive Committee. The Secretary shall also be the official recorder of all votes taken by the membership. The Secretary shall be responsible for maintaining the Constitution and By-Laws and all other official documents of the OTCTC. The Secretary shall prepare the meeting minutes of the organization and shall be responsible for all regular correspondence of the organization. The meeting minutes will be sent via email no later than one week following the meeting date to all meeting attendees for review and comments/corrections. Comments/corrections must be returned to the Secretary within one week. Corrections will be made by the Secretary and sent via email within one week for approval by the meeting attendees. The approval or rejection vote by each attendee must be returned to the Secretary within one week. Once approved, the minutes will be distributed via email to all member institution representatives. |
4.08 | The Treasurer shall be responsible for maintaining accurate financial records of the organization and shall be authorized to establish and maintain an OTCTC checking account, prepare invoices, and collect and expend monies on behalf of official organization activities and events. The Treasurer shall prepare and present the OTCTC Treasurer’s Report at each regular meeting. The President and Vice President/President-elect shall also have signature authority on all bank accounts of the OTCTC. |
4.09 |
The Executive Committee shall prepare a tentative program of meetings, conferences, and special events to be sponsored by the organization for the forthcoming year by no later than the May meeting of the current year. The program shall be distributed to the membership via email. |
4.10 |
Any officer of the organization may resign at any time by delivering a written notice of such resignation to the President, or in case of the resignation of the President, to the Vice President/President-elect. In the event that any officer becomes unassociated with an Ohio public Community or Technical College , he/she shall be deemed ineligible for an officer position, and a special election shall be conducted to elect a person to fill the unexpired term of the officer. |
4.11 | The President, Vice President/President-elect, and Secretary shall serve a one-year term. The Treasurer shall serve a three-year term |
Article 5: Quorum and Meetings |
5.01 |
A minimum of eight (8) institutions represented at any regular meeting shall constitute the quorum necessary to conduct OTCTC business. |
5.02 | A minimum of four (4) meetings shall be held on an annual basis. |
5.03 |
The Executive Committee shall meet a minimum of three (3) times per year or as often as necessary to conduct the business of the organization. A minimum of three (3) OTCTC officers shall constitute the quorum necessary to conduct OTCTC Executive Committee business. |
Article 6: Meeting Attendance and Voting |
6.01 |
Meetings are open to others from the member institutions; however, each member (institution) shall be accorded only one (1) vote on OTCTC issues. |
6.02 |
Meeting participation may be virtual (e.g., telephone or Video Conference) if those facilities are available at the meeting location. Arrangements for telephone or Video Conference must be made in advance between the meeting host and the requester. There shall be no absentee voting. |
6.03 |
All motions, except those to amend the constitution, shall only require a simple majority of the individuals present at a meeting. |
6.04 |
All votes of the Executive Committee shall require an affirmative vote of three (3) of the officers to be effective. |
6.05 | The Constitution and By-Laws may be amended, in part or totally, by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote (which will occur electronically) of the members of the organization. |
6.06 |
Any requested change to the Constitution and By-Laws shall be presented at one meeting, and voted on prior to the next regularly scheduled membership meeting. All members shall be notified via email of the proposed change(s) before the final vote. |